L'AGE D'OR | Luis Buñuel | 1930 | 63 min | PG
Presented by Nicola Waugh, Programming Director, Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers. The 7 PM screening will be followed by a post-reception at Workshop Kitchen + Culture.
More than 80 years on, this masterpiece of cinematic surrealism remains as brilliantly witty and shocking as ever. Uniting the genius of Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, L'AGE D'OR is a uniquely savage blend of visual poetry and social commentary. A sinister yet poignant chronicle of a couple's struggle to consummate their desire, the film was banned and vilified for many years for its subversive eroticism and furious dissection of civilized values.
The second film in our Salon Cinema series, in which Calgary Cinematheque gathers some of Calgary’s brightest local luminaries to share and discuss their favourite movies.