2014-15 ARCHIVES

Masters: Agnès Varda

Agnès Varda was the only female director of the French New Wave, called both
the movement’s mother and its grandmother.

Presented in partnership with Alliance Francaise of Calgary

Contemporary World Cinema

One-time opportunities to find rising masters and see critically acclaimed, under-exposed world cinema. Watch for updates as we lock titles down. Contemporary Word Cinema runs October 2014 - March 2015.

Salon Cinema

Calgary Cinematheque gathers some of Calgary’s brightest local luminaries to share and discuss their favourite movies.

Focus: Documentary Detours

Both the subject and the form itself can go sideways in the world of documentary — enjoy our spotlight on detours: March 2 - April 28


Celebrate the holidays with two rare feature films during the month of December

Spotlight: Milestone Film

Milestone began in 1990 by Amy Heller and Dennis Doros out of their New York City one-room apartment and has since received multiple awards and international recognition for releasing classic cinema masterpieces, groundbreaking documentaries and American independent features. Click below to learn more.