Calgary Cinematheque's 2014/15 season runs from September 11, 2014 through April 2015.  Screenings are being held at two historic Calgary theatres, the Plaza Theatre in Kensington, and downtown at Theatre Junction Grand, thanks to our partnership with Theatre Junction for Monday Night Movies at the Grand.

Tickets are $10 for Members/Seniors/Student and $12 for General Admission. 

Memberships are FREE - Just add your email to our list to joinMembership provides discounted rates on regular screenings and members can purchase our $40, five-film punch pass for the best savings, working out to $8/film. You must sign up as a member to purchase our punch pass.

Milestone Films Spotlight

Milestone began in 1990 by Amy Heller and Dennis Doros out of their New York City one-room apartment and has since received multiple awards and international recognition for releasing classic cinema masterpieces, groundbreaking documentaries and American independent features.

On the Bowery | Lionel Rogosin | 1956 September 11 @ 7pm | Digital | The Plaza
Chappaqua | Conrad Rooks | 1966 October 6 @ 7pm |  Digital | Theatre Junction Grand
The Exiles | Kent MacKenzie | 1961 October 30 @ 7pm | Digital | The Plaza
My Brother's Wedding |  Charles Burnett | 1983 November 3 @ 7pm | Digital | Theatre Junction Grand
Portrait of Jason | Shirley Clarke | 1967 - November 27 @ 7pm | 35mm | The Plaza

Christmas Interlude

Calgary Cinematheque presents two delightful holiday features.

Silent Partner | Daryl Duke | 1978 – December 1 @ 7pm | Theatre Junction Grand
Safety Last | Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor | 1923 – December 20 @ 1pm | The Plaza


Masters: Agnès Varda

Agnès Varda was the only female director of the French New Wave, called both
the movement’s mother and its grandmother. More about New Wave

La Pointe Courte | 1954– January 5 @ 7pm | Digital | Theatre Junction Grand
Cleo from 5 to 7 | 1962 – January 29 @ 7pm | DCP | The Plaza
Le Bonhuer | 1965 – February 2 @ 7pm | Digital | Theatre Junction Grand
Vagabond | 1985 – February 26 @ 7pm | 35mm | The Plaza

Salon Cinema

Calgary Cinematheque is gathering some of Calgary’s brightest local luminaries to share and discuss their favourite movies: Details coming soon - don't forget to put these dates in your calendar.

Jim Brown -  La Vie Commence Demain, October 25 @ 1pm - The Plaza 
Druh Farrell - The American Way (AKA Riders of the Storm) November 22 @ 1pm - The Plaza
January 24 @ 1pm - The Plaza
February 21 @ 1pm - The Plaza
March 21 @ 1pm - The Plaza

Focus: Documentary Detours

Both the subject and the form itself can go sideways in the world of documentary — enjoy our spotlight on detours: details coming soon! Documentary Detours will show between March 2 – April 25

Post Tenebras Lux - Carlos Reygadas

Post Tenebras Lux - Carlos Reygadas

Contemporary World Cinema

One-time opportunities to find rising masters and see critically acclaimed, under-exposed world cinema. Watch for updates as we lock titles down. Contemporary Word Cinema runs October 2014 - March 2015

Post Tenebras Lux | Carlos Reygadas | 2012 - October 16 @ 7 PM - The Plaza
Stray Dogs | Ming-liang Tsai  | November 13 @ 7 PM - The Plaza



Download a copy of our 2013/14 schedule here.